Play Your Way to Better Health!

Playtime is something we often overlook as adults -yet the benefits are so great! It provides a break from our crazy schedules, gives us a chance to laugh, be silly, and engage our inner child. It helps us distress,Crayons benefits our mood, lowers our blood pressure and strengthens relationships with family and friends.

Recently, I took a break from my regimented “lap swim” style of swimming and went to a recreational swim with some friends. We had such a great time jumping off the diving board, playing with the floating toys and just acting like…well….kids! We all laughed at the childishness of our behaviour but to be honest, I haven’t had so much fun in a while! It reminded me how important it is to take life less serious sometimes.

I encourage all of us this summer (and always) to invite more play into our lives. Here are some suggestions:

  • Buy some crayons and draw or colour
  • Go to a park and play on the slides or swings
  • Watch a funny movie
  • Make something out of play dough
  • Build a sandcastle
  • Dig out a skipping rope or two, find a partner, and play Double Dutch!
  • Go to your local library or bookstore and read some children’s books (a big favourite of mine when I am stressed)
  • Play frisbee or catch with a friend or loved one

Simply Healthy, Simply Strong