Restore Your Shine Nature Retreat
Guides: Dr. Lisa Tabrizi ND & Ryan Kasperowitsch
Date: Sat Oct 30th, 9am-2pm
Location: Niagara Glen Nature Centre, 3050 Niagara Pkwy, Niagara
Falls, ON
Cost: $100
The retreat will include:
- Hiking on some of the most breath-taking trails in Ontario
- Nature interpretation
- Mindfulness practices, including a forest meditation
- Nature-based art activity
My partner Ryan and I are excited to host an autumn nature retreat! If you have been experiencing burnout, anxiety, and a disconnection from yourself and others, this event is for you! We are going to use this event to get outside of our comfort zone, connect with one another, and reharmonize our nervous systems so that we can feel more like our TRUE SELVES!
About your guides:
Dr. Lisa Tabrizi is a registered naturopathic doctor with over 10 years of experience leading 1:1 and group session on mindfulness practices.
Ryan Kasperowitsch is a qualified backcountry guide and Wilderness First Responder with over 20 years of exeprience. He is presently working on his PhD in Education with a focus on outdoor education.