Spring is upon us (even if the weather is undecided) and we are amidst a time of new beginnings, growth, and transformation. In Chinese Medicine, the Liver is an important organ to support at this time. This is especially true if you have been feeling frustrated, irritable, or angry. Experiencing these emotions can be signs of “Stagnated Liver Qi”, […]
Spring: A time of growth and transformation
Posted on by Dr. Lisa Tabrizi
What Can Lobsters Teach Us About Stress?!
Posted on by Dr. Lisa Tabrizi
I recently attended a conference on stress and during one of the talks, we were shown a video in which a rabbi compared stress and adversity to a lobster and its shell. Lobsters continually grow and shed their shells. When their current shell gets too tight and uncomfortable, they know that it’s time to shed their […]