How Safe is Your Sunscreen?

We all know the dangers of getting too much UV exposure: increased risks of sunburns, skin cancers, and premature aging. But what most of us don’t know are the risks that some sunscreens may pose to our health. Shocking isn’t it? Read on to learn more on the possible adverse effects of sunscreens:

Increased cancer risk. People who wear more sunscreen have been linked to having an INCREASED risk of skin cancers. This may be due to the fact that people who wear sunscreen end up getting prolonged sun exposure thinking they are “safe” and soak up more harmful rays. Some studies have suggested that increased skin cancer risks may be associated with sunscreens that contain Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate).

Oxybenzone. This chemical is found in many sunscreens and is considered both a hormone disruptor and toxic substance by the Environmental Working Group.

Prevents Vitamin D absorption. Sunscreen use can prevent adequate Vitamin D absorption, an important vitamin for proper immune function, bone health, and cancer protection.

What can you do to keep yourself and your family safe from the sun?

  • Choose sunscreens that are made with zinc oxidize or titanium dioxide. Avoid products with Vitamin A (retinyl palmiate) and with oxybenzone.
  • Limit sun exposure. This is especially important on days with High UV indexes and between the hours of 10am-4pm. Stay in the shade whenever possible.
  • Wear a hat, sunglasses, and lightweight clothing that protects your skin while still keeping you cool.
  • Avoid using sunscreen with bug repellents that contain DEET. When these two substances are combined, there is increased absorption of DEET, a potentially toxic substance.

To learn more about safe sunscreens, bug repellents and natural first aid remedies, please attend my seminar “Natural First Aid” on Thursday, June 21, 7-9pm. For more info visit:

For a list of the top, safe, sunscreens according to the Enviornmental Working Group, visit:

Want to learn more about sunscreen use with DEET containing bug repellents? Check out: