Meal Planning Made Simple

Creating healthy and delicious tasting meals can feel like a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. You just need to have a plan. Take a look at your upcoming week. What days do you know you will need a quick and easy to digest meal? What days do you have time to make a more elaborate meal? Spending a few minutes planning your meals weekly can help prevent poor nutrition. If you wait until you are exhausted and hungry you will probably end up reaching for something canned and processed and bad for your health.

Even when you have little time available, healthy meals are possible (as long as you have planned to have the ingredients on hand). For example, I know on Monday nights, I come home from work and have an hour to spare before yoga. I need nourishment quickly but also need to be able to move during yoga and have found the perfect meal that is healthy, delicious, and only takes fifteen minutes to make (and I make sure I buy the ingredients on the weekend)!

Initially, meal planning may feel more arduous, but once you have a few tried and tested recipes in your cooking tool box, you will be set and will be eating healthy meals that you have time to create. For more meal planning tips including on how to use the seasons to guide your meals, attend my free seminar “Meal Planning with the Seasons” on Thursday October 18th from 7-8pm at Goodness Me (176 Locke Street South, Hamilton). For more information and to register, click on