My Top 5 Favourite Books

Those who know me well know I am an avid reader and recommend numerous books in my practice. Here are my top 5 most recommended reads:



The Delicious Detox by Carol Morely, ND. I love this cookbook because it covers all the basics on healthy cooking in a concise manner. All of the recipes are delicious, healthy, easy to make, and are gluten and dairy free! Be sure to try my favourite recipe, the easy roast chicken!

General Wellness

The Mindful Path to Self Compassion by Christopher Germer, PhD. This is the book I most frequently recommend. I think everyone should read this book because so many of us suffer from the ill effects of negative self-talk. This book teaches numerous strategies to develop self-compassion which improves our health and our relationships with ourselves and others.

Mental Health

The Mindful Way Through Depression by Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, and Jon Kabat Zinn. A straightforward and helpful book on treating depression using mindfulness techniques and meditation. The book also comes with a meditation CD that is a great tool for anyone looking to gain freedom from chronic unhappiness.

Women’s Health

Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup, MD. This book is a comprehensive reference guide on women’s health from a holistic perspective. Numerous women’s health concerns are covered in depth, such as PMS, menstrual cramps, menopause, fertility, pregnancy, and breast health. Northrup includes a lot of nutritional, acupressure and vitamin approaches to common female health concerns and explores the deeper meaning behind many symptoms.

For Parents

The No Cry Sleep Solution by Liz Pantley. An easy read for all parents with infants and toddlers. Pantley offers step-by-step, simple solutions to get your child sleeping in a manner that is compassionate, loving, and cry-free!